Walking Benefits Seniors and Older Adults
Walking is a great way to exercise seniors and older adults in many ways. Even three to four hours of light to moderate exercise a week can significantly improve physical health. Walking can reduce stress and improve mental health. Even novice walkers can see the benefits within the first month. Many report better health and wellbeing than the average 40-year old! Start walking today! Here are some benefits of walking.
Reduces arthritis pain
A good exercise program can help people with arthritis to reduce joint pain, and even improve their mood. It can improve joint mobility, and even help you lose weight. Although exercise can reduce pain, it is important not to do too much. Before you start any exercise program, consult your doctor. Start off slowly and gradually increase your exercise levels. To ease occasional joint pain, you can also use over-the-counter medication. Joint damage can be avoided by taking good care of your joints.

Reduces your desire to eat unhealthy sweets
There is a clear physical reason to walk. Walking has many health benefits, including improved breathing. It also helps reduce cravings for sweets. Walking improves your mental health, as well as physical benefits. Walking on a treadmill or stairwell can be a great way to feel fuller for fifteen to thirty mins.
Weight loss
A recent study showed that seniors and older adults who walk for at least 30 minutes a day are less likely to gain weight. Researchers followed nearly 5,000 participants for 15-years. Women who walked for half an hour per day gained an average one pound more than those who didn’t walk at all. Walking is an affordable and easy form of exercise. A lot of overweight adults can benefit from some exercise.
Reduces cholesterol
Walking is a great way to keep fit as you age and lower your cholesterol. This can be done on a treadmill, or outdoors. You can do this on a treadmill or outside. You should also choose water over sodas or energy drinks. You can lower your cholesterol by increasing your physical activity by at least 30 minutes per day.
Reduces hypertension
Walking is one the most popular physical activities among older adults. Walking lowers blood pressure than a sedentary lifestyle and has other benefits such as reducing the chance of falling or breaking bones. Regular exercise improves mood and fosters feelings a well-being. Walking has been shown to improve energy levels and overall health. A study has shown that walking reduces hypertension among older adults.
Reduces knee pain
For older adults with knee pain, increasing physical activity is the best option. There are many types of exercise, which vary in intensity and duration. They include general aerobic and local strengthening exercises. While walking is the best exercise option, it was also recommended that you do group exercises. Physical activity can improve your health and reduce the symptoms of OA. A variety of strategies have been developed to treat knee pain in older people, including those that encourage walking.